It is the cooperation, encouragement and support from one participant to another that is so moving about the final concert. It’s the real reason to be there, to enjoy the humanity in making music together. The extra learning that we gather along the way is a bonus

I just wanted to say how marvellous the course was. I enjoyed it enormously and didn’t want to leave. Super place, lovely people, excellent music. Can’t wait for the next one!

“I think that one of the elements of the success of the course is the general solidarity and camaraderie enjoyed by all, as well as the non-judgemental and supportive atmosphere, and the superb quality of the coaching. We all have a great time, it’s a challenging and exciting part of our holidays, and the climax of our musical year.”

“Instruction was inspirational on both piano and in ensemble.”

“Huge thanks for the course… was so inspiring…I came home wanting to practise more….the venue was fab and the organisation brilliant.”

” Your choice of music was perfect… as were the players you put me with. I had a chance both to stretch myself and yet still be able to make lovely music…..such a privilege.”

“The [course] was joyous and demanding” (London Piano Circle Newsletter)

“Thanks for everything. This course just gets better and better.”

“We enjoyed the whole experience, the non-competitive and supportive atmosphere, the fun and laughter, and seeing the development that can take place in just three days.”

“Thank you for such a brilliant course. I can’t wait to come back.”

“It is one of the highlights of my year to be able to play and learn in such a supportive, helpful environment.”

“The course was wonderful!…I suddenly feel I’ve come to life again-The kind, non-competitive, supportive atmosphere all made a huge difference.”

“Such an enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding weekend… such a feeling of friendship and good company… the music-making was great too and I learned a great deal from you all.”

“Thank you very much for an extraordinary course… so full of grace, dignity, respect and creativity… I feel we are all valued and worthwhile, whatever we bring.”

“Thank you for a wonderful course again. It’s such a freeing and constructive atmosphere that it really is special.”

“I found it quite magical to be given ways of working through chronic technical ‘hang-ups’ – such a sense of release and freedom.”

“One of the great pleasures is discovering new music and playing with new friends as well as renewing old friendships.”

“An amazing experience! Beforehand I was quite nervous about performing – but, somehow, I did it, and that feels great!”

“I found the final concert quite amazing, and the whole atmosphere so relaxed and happy.”

“Practising at home today I am realising how much new thinking on text and technique I have been given.”

“Great company great music, and thoroughly enjoyable.”

“A big “THANK YOU” for a lovely weekend. I’m afraid you may have another “regular” on your hands!”